Welcome to our new and improved website! We’ve revamped the design and added some new functionalities to help you browse and shop quicker and easier than ever before.
Our New Look
We’ve updated our design! Our new website is a modern update of what we had before, including a fresh colour scheme, matching logo, and an improved navigation. This will make it easier to both explore and shop for your seasonal favourites.
Price Breaks now available on individual products for clearer savings
Savings and offers are clearer than ever with price break graphics!
Moderned my account area
Manage your account with our new and updated functionality. Everything from shipping information to log-in information can be found at the click of a button.
Advanced Search
Find exactly what you're after with our new advanced search. This functionality can narrow plants down with easy-to-use filters, helping you get to what you need faster.
Add to wishlist functionality
Want to keep something to the side? Like a visual aid when planning your display? Our new wishlist functionalilty allows you to do exactly that,
Trade Account Features
Ability to apply for trades accounts online
Make a NEW trade account with us for a streamlined shopping experience. This is ideal for businesses, professional landscapers, and freelancers, allowing you to do the following with ease:
Request and view order quotes
This functionality allows you to add the items you want into a personalised quote. Once our wholesale team have checked it, we will send it back at the best price we can offer. You can also communicate with our team through comments on the quote, avoiding constant emailing. You can view pending and accepted quotes in your account area at any time.
Manage account users
Add multiple users to one account with this new feature. Perfect for adding all your staff members to one account, where you can manage them with ease.
Ability to apply for credit
Simply contact our customer service team here for more details
Create shopping lists for upcoming projects
Ideal for bulk buyers and display planners alike. Shopping lists help you save items in one place, where they’ll be waiting until you’re ready to buy.
View and download invoices
Invoices are easy to find in your account area, allowing you to view, download, and print them off at just the click of a button!
Ready to explore the new site?