Out of season
Acidanthera biocolour Murielae
How Supplied: 8/10cm Corms
Out of season
Alstroemeria aurea Lutea
How Supplied: Top/quality Bulbs
Out of season
Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids Mixed
How Supplied: Top/quality Bulbs
Out of season
Amarine Belladiva
How Supplied: 16/18cm Bulbs
Out of season
Amarine Belladiva Anastasia
How Supplied: 16cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Amarine Belladiva Mix
How Supplied: 16cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Arisaema candidissimum
How Supplied: Top/quality Bulbs
Out of season
Arisaema Tortuosum
How Supplied: Top-grade Tubers
Out of season
Arum italicum
How Supplied: 6cm+Tubers
Out of season
Babiana Mixed
How Supplied: 5cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Chasmanthe floribunda Duckitti
How Supplied: Top size Bulbs
Out of season
Chlidanthus Fragrans
How Supplied: 12cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Crinum Cintho Alpha
How Supplied: 24cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Crinum powelli
How Supplied: 24cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Crinum powellii 'Album'
How Supplied: 24cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Curcuma alismatifolia Pink
How Supplied: Top-grade Tubers
Out of season
Curcuma alismatifolia White
How Supplied: Top-grade Tubers
Out of season
Cyclamen Hederifolium (Neapolitanum) 13cm+
How Supplied: 13/15cm Bulbs
Out of season
Cyclamen Hederifolium Neapolitanum 20cm+
How Supplied: 20cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Dodecatheon meadia
How Supplied: Top quality Bulbs
Out of season
Dodecatheon Pulchellum Red
How Supplied: Top quality Bulbs
Out of season
Eucharis (Amazon Lily)
How Supplied: Top quality Bulbs
Out of season
Eucomis autumnalis Alba
How Supplied: 14/16cm Bulbs
Out of season
Eucomis bicolour
How Supplied: 14/16cm Bulbs
Out of season
Eucomis Indian Summer
How Supplied: 18/20cm Bulbs
Out of season
Eucomis Johannesburg
How Supplied: 20cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Eucomis Pole Evansii
How Supplied: 20cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Freesia Single Mixed 7cm+
How Supplied: 7cm+ Bulbs
Out of season
Galtonia candicans
How Supplied: 14/16cm Bulbs
Out of season
Giant Double Freesia Blue
How Supplied: 7cm+ Corms
Out of season
Giant Double Freesia Pink
How Supplied: 7cm+ Corms
Out of season
Giant Double Freesia Red
How Supplied: 7cm+ Corms
Out of season
Giant Double Freesia Yellow
How Supplied: 7cm+ Corms
Out of season
Gloriosa Corsonii
How Supplied: 15/20cm Bulbs
Out of season
Gloriosa rothschildiana
How Supplied: 10/15cm Bulbs
Out of season
Gloriosa rothschildiana Lutea
How Supplied: 15/20cm Bulbs
Out of season
Gloxinia Kaiser Friedrich
How Supplied: 5/6cm Tubers
Out of season
Gloxinia Kaiser Wilhelm
How Supplied: 5/6cm Tubers
Out of season
Gloxinia Mixed
How Supplied: 5/6cm Tubers
Out of season
Gloxinia Mont Blanc
How Supplied: 5/6cm Tubers
Out of season
Gloxinia Violacea
How Supplied: 5/6cm Tubers
Out of season
Hedychium densiflorum
How Supplied: Top/quality Tubers
Out of season
Hedychium elipticum
How Supplied: Top/quality Bulbs
Out of season
Hedychium gardnerianum
How Supplied: Top/quality Bulbs
Out of season
Homeria Mixed
How Supplied: 5cm+ Corms
Out of season
Iris Dutch 'Apollo'
How Supplied: 7-8cm Bulbs
Out of season
Iris Dutch 'Bronze Perfection'
How Supplied: 7/8cm Bulbs
Out of season
Iris Dutch 'Picasso'
How Supplied: 7/8cm Bulbs
Our Miscellaneous Plants are full of flowering favourites, from Amarine Belladiva to Uvularia grandiflora and beyond. Growing a superb display this summer will be easier than ever before, especially at our affordable wholesaler prices. Explore our range today.