Dahlia Blue Bayou
£11.50 per 5 (Price per unit - £2.30)
£20.00 per 10 (Price per unit - £2.00) 13% off
£46.00 per 25 (Price per unit - £1.84) 20% off
£167.00 per 100 (Price per unit - £1.67) 27% off
Please order in denominations of 5
Anemone flowering Dahlias, commonly known as Powder Puff Dahlias produce unique flowers with double feathered central petals, resembling a Powder Puff. Dahlia Blue Bayou is a free flowering variety that is a magnet for butterflies and bees. It has very attractive and vibrant lavender outer petals, the inner petals being red/purple. They are ideal for cut flower arrangements, border planting and patio pots. Flowering is from July-October, growing to heights of 90cm. Top grade tubers supplied.