Out of season
Euphorbia Mix
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger (9cm Pot)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Euphorbia Wulfenii
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Fargesia Asian Wonder
How Supplied: 15cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Fargesia murieliae (Hardy Bamboo)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Fargesia nitida Black Pearl
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Fargesia Rufa
How Supplied: 2 Litre Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Ferns Mixed
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gypsophila paniculata Pink
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Gypsophila paniculata White
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Helenium Autumn Lollipop
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Helenium Chelsey
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Helenium Helena Mixed
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Helenium Sahin's Early Flowerer
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Heleopsis scabra Summer Sun
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Helictotrichon sempervirens (2 Litre Pot)
How Supplied: 2 Litre Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Heliopsis helianthoides Bleeding Hearts
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plant
Out of season
Heliopsis helianthoides Burning Hearts
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plant
Out of season
Heliopsis Scabra Summer Sun
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Hemerocallis Bertie Ferris
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hemerocallis Black Emanuelle (Loose Roots)
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Hemerocallis Cherry Valentine
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hemerocallis Jean Swann
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hemerocallis Longfields Anwar
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hemerocallis Longfields Glory
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hemerocallis Longfields Pearl
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hosta Big Daddy
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Hosta Frances Williams
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris (G) Kissed by the Sun
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Iris ensata Dinner Plate Katy Mendez
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Iris ensata Dinner Plate Lady in Waiting
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Iris ensata Mixed
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris ensata White Ladies
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Iris germanica 'Beverly Sills'
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris germanica 'Blue Bird Wine'
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Iris germanica 'Change of Pace'
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Iris germanica 'Obsidian'
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris germanica 'Oktoberfest'
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris germanica 'Sublime Velvet'
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris germanica Autumn Leaves
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris germanica Comme un Sourire
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris Germanica Devonshire Cream
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris germanica Mixed
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris Germanica Raspberry Flush
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris Louisiana 'Heather Stream'
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Iris sibirica 'Devils Dream'
How Supplied: Loose roots
Tall Growing (80cm+)
Tall growing perennials look amazing in borders to help add some height. You can't go wrong with this affordable selection. A well-layered display speaks for itself, and these plants help you achieve that well-manicured look. Explore our range of tall perennials to grow an abundant display on a budget.